'स्विगी कंपनीची कहाणी | SWIGGY SUCCESS STORY IN MARATHI | BEST FOOD DELIVERY APP | START UP INDIA ================================ This channel is Marathi translation of our Main channel www.youtube.com/kenup Stock Footage used on this channel is from subscription based Royalty Free Stock Footage platform www.storyblocks.com 2D / 3D / Whiteboard Animation used on this channel are made by us only. ====================================== Our Channels :- Primary (Hindi) – www.youtube.com/kenup Secondary (Marathi) – www.youtube.com/yashogathaa ====================================== Our Social Handles:- Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/yashogathaofficial FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/yashogatha ====================================== माझे युट्युब गिअर्स 1. माझा DSLR कॅमेरा : http://fkrt.it/3x7S9KNNNN 2. माझा माईक : http://fkrt.it/pfBCUnuuuN 3. माझा लैपटॉप : http://fkrt.it/3xPuVKNNNN 4.. माझा मोबाइल : http://fkrt.it/3xh7GKNNNN ================================ #SwiggySuccessStory #BrandStoryChannel #Biographies #SwiggyBiography #OnlineFoodDelivery #YashoGatha #यशोगाथा ================================ आमच्या बद्दल थोडेसे: यशोगाथा ह्या आमच्या YouTube चैनेल वरती आम्ही, जगातील यशस्वी लोकांच्या गोष्टी प्रत्येक बुधवारी आणि रविवारी तुमच्यासोबत शेअर करत असतो. ================================ Note : This Video is based on my internet research, it may not be 100% accurate. ================================'
Tags: motivation story , swiggy , Brand Story , startup india , zomato vs swiggy , best food delivery app , best food delivery apps , SHRIHARSHA MAJETI BIOGRAPHY , STARTUP INDIA SWIGGY , powerful motivation with swiggy success story , animated motivational story , yashogatha , biography of successful peoples , यशोगाथा , यशस्वी लोकांच्या गोष्टी , swiggy success story in marathi , startup story in marathi , brand success story marathi , स्विगी कंपनीची कहाणी , START UP INDIA
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